At Greenbank we have a long tradition of mission and outreach with a variety of groups such as Help the Homeless, Work Party (Knitting Group), Scottish Love in Action and Christian Aid. Please have a look and get in touch if there's something you're interested in.
Help the Homeless
The Help the Homeless group gives some help to the problems of the homeless in Edinburgh. Help is provided in three main ways:
Fresh Start is a programme that gives help to the recently homeless who are moving into new accommodation. The basics required to move into unfurnished accommodation are supplied. Greenbank helps in this effort by having regular collections of items such as crockery and bedding. Keep an eye on the Greenbank Connections for further details on current collections.
Night Shelter is run by Bethany, and Greenbank help to staff the shelters. This provides a bed and a hot meal for anyone who needs it. Accommodation is provided by central Edinburgh churches and Greenbank supplies the hot meal and company for users of this service. Bethany provides the professional help to those who need it on the night.
During Advent, please help with our Countdown to Christmas.
The Foodbox, which is situated at the main door of the church, is there to receive non-perishable food donations from anyone wishing to contribute. The donations are then distributed to five centres around Edinburgh where meals are provided daily for the homeless.
- For further information please contact Richard Dunbar, Alison Ambler or Nora Kellock
Christian Aid
The Morningside and Fairmilehead Churches' Christian Aid Committee is Ecumenical, consisting of representatives from Fairmilehead, Greenbank and Morningside Parish Churches, St Fillan's Episcopal Church and St Peter's RC Church. The Greenbank representatives are David Ferguson (Chairman of the committee) and Pamela Jack.
Christian Aid and its partners are working to bring an end to poverty around the world - tackling its root causes as well as its effects. Door-to-door collections in our parish, during Christian Aid Week, raised £4,265 in 2016. Those who attended our Spring Fair had great fun and helped us raise a further £1,692. A Film Night raised £627 and a Coffee Morning £600.
Additionally Greenbank congregation donates to Christian Aid throughout Advent with great generosity!
The Committee thanks you for your contributions, support and encouragement in these efforts.
During the session we participate in various events to raise awareness and funds for Christian Aid.
Scottish Love in Action
Scottish Love in Action (SLA) is a charity based in Scotland that works with local partners in India to empower vulnerable children and young people to change their lives. SLA works with partners who provide the highest quality of care and education. Since the year 2000 SLA has created generational change for the most vulnerable, giving them the tools to break free from poverty and transform their lives, families and communities for years to come.
SLA was founded following a trip to India in 1999 by the Greenbank Church youth group QII, and continues to be strongly supported by members of Greenbank Church.