About Us
We are a friendly and outward-looking Christian congregation with a desire to love and serve God and our parish and community. Find us at the corner of Braidburn Terrace and Comiston Road in the Greenbank/Morningside area of Edinburgh. Find us on a map
It can be daunting to visit a church for the first time. Rest assured Greenbank will try to welcome visitors!
Before visiting us, you might like to view one of our on-line services:Click here for broadcast services
As you come in to a 10.30am service you can expect to see a member of the welcome team at the door. Most services start with community news, followed by a ‘Call to Worship’, hymns, a focus for young people, bible readings, prayers, and a sermon from the minister. There are activities for children and a place where babies can be taken to, but we are always happy if children prefer to stay in church for the whole service. This all lasts about an hour or so.
After the main service on Sundays there is usually coffee and conversation in an informal setting in the hall, and a chance to meet people, learn more about the life of the church and the activities going on.
Other services take place at different times, and you can find these in the section onservices. Communion is held at various times. Everyone is welcome whatever their denomination or stage in their faith journey.
If you want to talk to someone about coming to church, you can call or email the minister.
A good way to pick up information is via the Church Magazine, Connections, which may be picked up at any time when the church is open, through the week as well as on Sundays. It is also available online.
We also have a weekly online newsletter, currently emailed out on Fridays. Click here if you wish to add your name to the circulation list.
Gathering in the Centenary Hall for a Burns Supper