Greenbank  Parish  Church



Christian Aid

Christian Aid Week: 12–18 May 2024


The Christian Aid Week appeal this year will focus on Burundi where in some areas more than 70% of people live in poverty and many children are underweight, underdeveloped and vulnerable to life-threatening diseases.  For many people it is a fragile existence, dependent on casual work, and most only eat once a day.  Christian Aid programmes help communities to establish steady incomes, save for the future, and set up small businesses.

Please give generously to this cause, in any of the ways listed below

Greenbank Church volunteers will be distributing delivery-only envelopes to around 1,400 houses in our Parish during the week.  Thank you to everyone who has agreed to help with this.

The envelopes will include a flyer to say that they have been delivered by a volunteer from Greenbank Church and will invite people to donate –

  • To our special e-envelope
  • By posting the envelope through the church letterbox on Braidburn Terrace
  • Direct to Christian Aid

I understand that our neighbouring congregations will not be distributing envelopes this year.  If you live outside Greenbank Parish and would like an envelope, there will be some available in the church vestibule or please contact me – I have some extra.

Please support Christian Aid Week.  There is further information here


Coffee Morning: 18th May 10am – 12 noon
Morningside Parish Church, Braid Road

Please come along to the Christian Aid Week coffee morning,
which Greenbank is organising with other local churches

Cost £5, all welcome

Several stalls, including a plant stall run by the Greenbank Eco Group

Musical performance in the church sanctuary at around 10.45am
(included in ticket price)

Tickets will be on sale beforehand or just pay at the door


We would love to have donations for our stalls –

Baking and tombola items can be handed in to the Greenbank Church office on Friday 17th May before 2.30pm, or contact me. 

Please bring donations of plants to Morningside Parish Church on Saturday 18th May from 9.30am, or get in touch with me.


Thank you in advance for all your support!

Fiona Watt
0131 447 3489



Christian Aid Advent and Christmas Appeal

A page describing the appeal in aid of Christian Aid held at Greenbank each year throughout Advent and into the Christmas season.

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